We predefined two types of menus: main and footer, represents the top app bar menus and the footer menus, respectively. This article will briefly introduce how to use the menus.

Menu Entry Properties#

Property Type Description
name String The name of menu.
identifier String The ID of menu.
weight Number The weight of menu that used for sorting in ascending order.
parent String The identifier of parent menu entry.
url String The URL of menu.
pre String The leading string before menu name.
post String The trailing string after menu name.
params Object Menu parameters.
params.divider Boolean true means divider.

See also Menu Entry Properties.



The menu configuration file is located in config/_default/menu.toml by default.

Let’s take main menu as an example:

  name = "FooBar"
  identifier = "foobar"
  weight = 1
  pre = '<i class="fas fa-fw fa-chevron-circle-down me-1"></i>'
  name = "Foo"
  identifier = "foo"
  parent = "foobar"
  url = "https://github.com/razonyang/hugo-theme-bootstrap"
  weight = 1
  parent = "foobar"
  identifier = "foobar-divider"
  weight = 2
    divider = true
  name = "Bar"
  identifier = "bar"
  parent = "foobar"
  url = "https://github.com/razonyang/hugo-theme-bootstrap/discussions/new"
  weight = 3

Main Menus

As the image shown, we created a top level menu called foobar, that contains sub menus and divider.

Front Matter#

We can also configure menu via page front matter.

  parent = "support"
  weight = 6
  parent = "support"
  weight = 6
  pre = '<i class="fas fa-fw fa-question-circle me-1"></i>'

The code snippet appends the page to the main and footer menu.

It’s no need to specify the url and name parameters.